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Meet Callie

My love of movement has existed longer than I can remember. As a former ballet dancer, I value the strength and stability I’ve gained physically and mentally through committing to Pilates as a practice. I received my training through Balanced Body, where we are encouraged to combine classical Pilates principles with the creativity of contemporary variations to stay curious about the evolution and limitless possibilities that Pilates has to offer. I am fascinated by the mechanics and capacity of the human body, which has fueled my love of teaching and sharing with others. My teaching style aims to help people feel stronger, confident, empower them, and find (or reignite) joy through movement.

Callie’s Teaching Style? My teaching style aims to help people feel stronger, confident, empower them, and find (or reignite) joy through movement.

Favorite Exercise? Hard to pick just one, but I love the hundred for core training (and so many variations), snake for the full body challenge, stability and focus it requires and semi-circle because it’s just always so, so good.

Fun Fact: I love cooking! I have a major sweet tooth, but only a few things I bake turn out. Always ready to try the best new vegan places in ATL and wherever we travel. When not at The Studio teaching or taking a class, you can usually find me with my husband and dogs or teaching undergraduate strategic communication courses. 

More About Me: My love of movement has existed longer than I can remember. As a former ballet dancer, I value the strength and stability I’ve gained physically and mentally through committing to Pilates as a practice. I received my training and certification through Balanced Body, where we are encouraged to combine classical Pilates principles with the creativity of contemporary variations to stay curious about the evolution and limitless possibilities that Pilates has to offer. I am fascinated by the mechanics and capacity of the human body, which has fueled my love of teaching and sharing with others. My teaching style aims to help people feel stronger, confident, empower them, and find (or reignite) joy through movement.

Callie’s Playlist Might Include: Everything from 00s punk to Post Malone, M83 to Modest Mouse. A fun variety of upbeat and chill – it’s all about balance. 

“I’m happy to answer any questions clients have after the class. It can be pilates related, personal etc. I want people to get to know me and I want to get to know you!”

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